The 社区 experience expands member benefits and opportunities to grow your net工作 while maintaining focus on practice-specific career development.
The 行政法与代理实务 Community addresses issues at the forefront of administrative 法律 and procedure at both the federal and local levels.
The 反垄断与消费者法 Community deals with business competition, 贸易管制, 以及国家消费者保护, 国际, 状态, 和D.C. 法律.
Arts, 娱乐, Media and Sports Law
艺术, 娱乐, Media and Sports Law Community explores the legal and business issues in the arts, 娱乐, 体育, 媒体领域.
The Community serves 法律yers interested in the practice of corporation, finance, or securities 法律.
The Community sponsors 教育 and practice-building programs in the areas of criminal 法律 and protection of individual rights.
The 哥伦比亚特区事务 Community serves all attorneys who live, 工作, 或对本地区有兴趣, and members who practice before or 工作 with the D.C. Council and the Executive Branch or the court system.
The 早期职业澳门赌场官网 Community serves new attorneys navigating the early years of their career through net工作ing, 教育, 以及公益项目的机会.
The 环境、能源和自然资源 Community focuses on new and significant 立法, 监管, 司法, and policy developments in the fields of environmental, 能源, 自然资源.
这些贫民区, 信托及遗嘱认证法律界, 通过项目, 一个通讯, 还有一个案例摘要, 向其司法成员提供建议, 程序上的, 立法, and practice developments pertaining to e状态 planning and administration.
The 家庭法 Community offers 教育 programs of interest to attorneys and other professionals in private practice, 政府, 替代性争议解决, 和学术界.
The 政府合同 Community provides programs to advance the development of its members and foster discussion of developments and issues affecting federal and local 政府 procurement 法律 and litigation.
The 卫生法律 Community focuses on issues of interest to practitioners in the field of health 法律 通过项目 和出版物.
The Community sponsors committees in the areas of copyright, 商标, patent and trade secret 法律—and one for new practitioners—that organize and sponsor programs throughout the year on topics of general interest, 当前问题和练习技巧.
The 劳动就业法 Community members include plaintiff- and management-side attorneys, 联邦和D.C. 公司法律顾问, 企业, trade association and labor organization association counsel, 司法人员和其他人员.
The 法律实务管理 Community is made up of 法律yers (and other professionals) in private, 政府, 企业, 非营利组织, 以及学术法律实践.
Your 法律系学生社团 membership will provide resume and skills boosting opportunities and one-on-on access to local practicing attorneys.
The 澳门赌场官网的幸福 Community will provide a vehicle for development of programming and services supportive of 法律yer well-being.
The 诉讼 Community is involved in a wide range of activities that present the opportunity for continuing professional growth and net工作ing.
The 公共利益与法院 Community concentrates on ways the courts and the 酒吧 can improve access to justice in the District of Columbia.
The 房地产、住房和土地利用 Community focuses on issues of interest to real e状态, 住房, and land use practitioners 通过项目 和出版物.